Thursday, February 28, 2008

latest Information On Bluetooth Technology

Do you like to know about the latest trends? Do you love the latest wireless and hands free technology? Do you want to know what is new in Bluetooth technology and how it works?

Bluetooth technology is a wireless type of technology. It allows you to talk on the telephone, totally hands free. It allows you to hookup your computer without any wires. It allows you to hook up your printers again, without wires. Yet, this technology is made to be inexpensive and to use low power, two more reasons why many people love this new technology and want to learn more about it.

If you are still confused, Bluetooth technology to put simply is a technology that allows you to be hooked up to both portable and fixed devices without any cables. This technology is also a short ranged and is being used worldwide.

Probably the most popular Bluetooth device is the cell phone. We all have seen those little objects behind people's ears as they talk, sometimes in what appears to be a one way conversation. Well, that little device allows them to be completely hands free. They are able to file reports, copy notes and drive a car more with more ease and more control.

This technology has grown so powerful that one Bluetooth enabled device is capable of being hooked up to a network of as many of seven other devices. This makes it easy to set up an office anywhere with ease and comfort. The office worker can easily talk on his/her wireless powered phone, while type on his blue tooth powered computer, receiving a fax from across the country and then adding a note into his PDA. It makes his/her work much simpler and much more organized.

Sometimes people will refer to this technology as a cable replacement technology. The reason is because it does essentially away with those sometimes annoying cables that get in our way.

Bluetooth technology runs off an inexpensive computer chip that is plugged into computers, phones, printers, fax machines, (anything that you wish to be wireless enabled). The information that was once carried by those cables is now carried by transmitting it using a special unique frequency that the chip will recognize. The chip will then read it and then relay the information to the computer, phone, printer, fax machine, etc.

The current products that use Bluetooth technology are the common ones: phones, computers, printers, fax machines, etc. It can also be used in automobiles as a voice activated communication and entertainment system for your phone or mp3 player. You speak a command and the system will perform it. The product is called Sync and it allows you make your Ipod voice activated. It will play a track your want, by speaking its name. The system does have to be factory installed.

Yet, this isn't where technology will stop. This new technology will continue to grow. What will be enabled next? Possibly, our entire homes will run through some sort of Bluetooth and voice powered technology. The ideas may be endless.

Keeping up with what is new in Bluetooth technology may prove to be a challenging endeavor because the innovations are growing at a fast pace.